Laporkan Masalah


IIN KRISTANTI, Dr. Fatwa Sari Tetra Dewi, MPH, Ph.D.

2017 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Latar belakang : Rokok secara luas tel ah menjadi sal ah satu penyebab kematian t erbesar di dunia . Diduga, hingga menje lang t ahun 2030 kemat ian terbesar akibat rokok akan mencapai 10 j uta orang per tahun. Kebiasaa n mengonsumsi rokok merupakan salah sat u penyebab masalah kesehatan yang ada saat ini, yai tu penyaki t kronis ti dak menul ar (chronic non communi cable di seases), sepert i penyaki t jantung, penyaki t paru kronis, kanker, di abetes, dan stroke, yang merupakan penyebab uta ma kemati an di duni a. Tujuan : Unt uk mengetahui fakt or-faktor determinan yang berhubungan dengan perilaku merokok pada masyarakat Desa Waringi n Kecamat an Pal asah Kabupaten Majalengka Metode : Penelitian i ni merupakan jeni s penelitian anali tik dengan pendekatan cross secti onal. Besar sampel ditentukan dengan rumus Leme show (1997) sebesar 150 sampel yang terbagi dal am 19 clust er dalam 9 RW. Teknik penga mbil an sampel menggunakan teknik probability sampling dengan 2 tahap. Anal isi s st ati sti k yang digunakan adal ah chi square dan regresi l ogist ik. Hasil dan kesimpulan : Hasi l peneli ti an menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan (p 0, 005), persepsi (p 0,001), dukungan keluarga (p 0,001), dukungan te man (p 0, 001), paparan ikl an (p 0,001), dan akses (p 0,01) dengan perilaku merokok masyarakat Desa Waringi n. Probabi li tas pengaruh 6 fakt or det erminan mer okok te rhadap perilaku merokok sebesar 37,9%. Saran : Saran yang penulis aj ukan adal ah puskesmas meningkat kan upaya- upaya promosi tent ang bahaya mer okok dan mel akukan pembi naan sedi ni mungkin melal ui penerapan kawasan tanpa rokok. Bagi pemerintah desa, kecamatan, dan kabupat en, berkoordi nasi dal am pembuatan penerbit an aturan kawasa n t anpa rokok, termasuk pembat asan pemasangan iklan rokok.

Background : Smoking i s widely has become one of the biggest causes of death i n the world. Allegedl y, until by 2030 most of the deaths due to tobacco will reach t en million people per year. The habit of usi ng cigarettes is one of the causes of heal th proble ms t hat exist t oday, whi ch are chroni c non-communicable diseases, such as heart disease, chroni c l ung disease, cancer, diabetes, and st roke, that are t he l eading cause of death in the world. Objective : To determine the factors associat ed wit h t he determinant s of smoki ng behavi or of t he Waringin vill agers Dist rict of Majalengka Methods : This research wa s an analytic wi th cr oss sect ional approach. The sample size was det ermined by t he Le meshow (1997) formula as many 150 sample s were divi ded i nto 19 cl usters in ni ne RW. Sampli ng te chniques was using probability sampl ing in t wo stages. The st atist ical analysis used chi square and l ogist ic regressi on. Result and Conclus ion : The resul t showed that t here was a relationship between knowledge wi th smoking behavior (p 0. 005), t here was a relationshi p between percepti on (p 0.001), fami ly support (p 0. 001), the support of friends (p 0.001), adverti sing exposure ( p 0.001), and access (p 0. 001) wit h smoking behavior in Waringi n vil lage communiti es. The probability of si x det erminant s influence of smoking on t he smoking behavi or of 37.9%. Suggestions : Puskesmas shoul d to increase promotional efforts on dangers of smoking and t o provide gui dance as early as possible t hrough the impl eme ntation of the regi on without cigarettes for village government s, districts, and count ies, in order to coordinat e the publication of the rule s in making smoke free area including restrictions on ci garette advertising.

Kata Kunci : pengetahuan, persepsi, dukungan keluarga, dukungan teman, paparan iklan, akses, merokok, knowledge, percepti on, family support, peer support, advertising exposure, access, smoke

  1. S2-2017-350922-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2017-350922-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2017-350922-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2017-350922-title.pdf