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WIDA PURWANINGSIH, dr. Tri Baskoro Tunggul Satoto, M.Sc., Ph.D; Prof. dr. Hari Kusnanto Josef, SU., Dr.PH

2017 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kedokteran Tropis

INTISARI Latar Belakang : Virus Dengue termasuk ke dalam genus flavivirus (Perez et al., 1998; WHO, 2001). Anggota lain dari flavivirus adalah virus Zika. Pada tahun 2014 ke tahun 2015 di Kota Jambi terjadi wabah dengue, dan oleh Eijkman Institute ditemukan penderita yang positif zika (Perkasa et al., 2016). Penderita tersebut merupakan penduduk lokal (indegenous) yang tidak memiliki riwayat perjalanan dari luar negeri. Vektor yang mampu menularkan virus Dengue dan virus Zika adalah nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan nyamuk Aedes albopictus. Ada kemungkinan bahwa penderita tersebut terinfeksi virus Zika dari vektor yang berasal dari Kota Jambi. Berdasarkan latar belakang inilah menarik untuk diteliti tentang Deteksi virus Dengue dan virus Zika pada nyamuk Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus yang berasal dari Kota Jambi. Tujuan : Mengetahui pola sebaran habitat nyamuk Aedes spp., dan membuktikan bahwa nyamuk Aedes spp. yang berasal dari Kota Jambi terdeteksi mengandung virus Dengue dan virus Zika. Metode : Deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan cross-sectional dengan cara melakukan pemasangan ovitrap dan penangkapan nyamuk dewasa dan melakukan deteksi virus Dengue dan virus Zika secara Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Hasil : Sebaran habitat nyamuk Aedes spp. di Kelurahan Talang Bakung berdasarkan House Index (HI) dan Breteau Index (BI) memiliki nilai Density Figure (DF) = 4 termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Sebaran keberadaan nyamuk Aedes spp. berdasarkan Ovitrap Index (OI) 44,74% (OI > 10%) menunjukkan bahwa daerah tersebut berisiko menimbulkan wabah dengue. Hasil pemeriksaan virus secara RT-PCR menunjukkan bahwa tidak ditemukan virus Dengue pada nyamuk Aedes spp., dan ditemukan virus Zika pada pada nyamuk Aedes spp. di RT.4. Kesimpulan : Tidak ditemukan virus Dengue pada nyamuk Aedes spp. di Kelurahan Talang Bakung dan ditemukan virus Zika pada pada nyamuk Aedes spp. di RT.4. Kelurahan Talang Bakung merupakan daerah rawan dan risiko tinggi penularan DBD.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Both Dengue virus and Zika virus are included in the genus of flavivirus. The transmission of Zika virus could occur as a mosquito-borne transmission by Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, congenital transmission, or transsexual transmission. Zika virus infection may cause similar signs and symptoms that of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), although the general clinical characteristics of Zika virus infection might not show. During the transition period of 2014 to 2015, there had been reported an outbreak of dengue in Jambi City, during which several of the sufferers were screened positive for Zika virus infection by the Eijkman Institute. Interestingly, all of those positive for Zika virus were indigenous residents and none of them had history of international travel. Such incidence may be due to local mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission in Jambi Province. Objectives: To obtain distribution of DHF case and distribution of Aedes spp. habitat based on entomological indicators, to depict overview of Aedes spp. population by direct capture and egg colonization, and to detect the presence of Dengue virus and Zika virus in Aedes spp. mosquitoes in Jambi City. Method: The research was a descriptive analytic study with cross-sectional design. Samples were obtained using ovitraps and adult mosquito capture. The samples then underwent Dengue virus and Zika virus detection using RT-PCR and the results were described as mapping. Results: The distribution of Aedes spp. habitat in the village of Talang Bakung was classified as moderate based on the House Index (HI) and Density Figure (DF) value of 4, followed by Breteau Index (BI) value of 4. The Ovitrap Index (OI) value in the village of Talang Bakung was 44.74%, of which OI value of >10% is categorized as potential area of having dengue outbreak. The ovitrap installation revealed mosquito species of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. During examination of egg colonization using RT-PCR, Zika virus was detected in samples obtained from the 4th neighborhood (Rukun Tetangga/RT) in the village of Talang Bakung, whereas Dengue virus was not detected in any of the samples. Conclusion: Zika virus was detected in samples obtained from the 4th neighborhood (RT 4) whereas Dengue virus was not detected in Aedes spp. mosquitoes in the village of Talang Bakung. The village of Talang Bakung is a potential area of DHF transmission and outbreak.

Kata Kunci : Dengue, Zika, Aedes spp, Jambi.