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USWATUN HASANAH, T. Hani Handoko, MBA., Ph.D

2017 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

Sumber daya manusia yang ada di perusahaan harus dijaga dan dikelola dengan baik karena merupakan aset penting bagi perusahaan. Setiap karyawan yang mengundurkan diri, mengakibatkan perusahaan memerlukan biaya yang lebih untuk melakukan proses perekrutan dan pelatihan karyawan baru. Untuk meminimalisasi keinginan karyawan mengundurkan diri dari perusahaan, perusahaan perlu “mengikat” karyawannya. Salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan manajemen Swift English School Yogyakarta dalam upaya peningkatan kinerja perusahaan dimasa yang akan datang yaitu dengan melakukan survei keterikatan karyawan (employee engagement) di lingkungan perusahaan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif, diharapkan Swift English School Yogyakarta dapat mengetahui gambaran tingkat employee engagement di perusahaan, dan mengetahui aspek-aspek yang perlu ditingkatkan, diperbaiki, maupun dipertahankan. Penelitian menggunakan pengukuran employee engagement secara akademik dengan dimensi vigor, dedication, dan absorption melalui kuesioner dari The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-17 (UWES-17). Untuk pengukuran secara praktik dengan dimensi conditions for engagement, engagement opinions, dan engagement behaviors melalui kuesioner yang dikembangkan oleh Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM, 2015), serta melakukan analisa apakah terdapat perbedaan employee engagement antara karyawan laki-laki dengan karyawan perempuan pada Swift English School Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan uji non-parametik statistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Swift English School Yogyakarta sudah memiliki tingkat employee engagement, meskipun harus terus ditingkatkan. Karyawan Swift English School Yogyakarta merasa sudah mengerahkan semangat mereka dalam melakukan pekerjaan (vigor), mendedikasikan diri mereka demi kemajuan perusaahaan (dedications), serta merasa senang dalam melakukan pekerjaan (absorptions). Hal ini didukung dengan pernyataan karyawan yang merasa lingkungan kerja mereka cukup mendukung, karyawan juga antusias dan bersemangat dalam melakukan perkejaan, serta karyawan merasa sudah memberikan kotribusi yang positif demi kemajuan perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil survei employee engagement secara akademik, dimensi dedications adalah dimensi yang paling kuat diantara dua dimensi lainnya, sedangkan dimensi yang masih lemah yaitu dimensi absorptions. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan hasil survei employee engagement secara praktik dimensi yang paling kuat adalah dimensi engagement opinions, sedangkan dimensi yang masih lemah yaitu dimensi engagement behaviors. Tidak terdapat perbedaan tingkat employee engagement yang signifikan antara karyawan laki-laki dan karyawan perempuan.

Human resources in the company must be maintained and managed well because it is an important asset for the company. Every employee resigned, resulting in company costs more to make the process of hiring and training new employees. To minimize the desire of employees resigned from the company, the company needs to "bind" their employees. One way that can be done by Swift English School Yogyakarta management in improving the company's performance in the future is to conduct employee engagement surveys in the company environment. This research is a descriptive study, it is expected that Swift English School Yogyakarta can find a picture of the level of employee engagement in the company, and determine which aspects need to be improved, repaired, and maintained. The study uses measurements of academic employee engagement with the dimensions of vigor, dedication, and absorption through the questionnaires of The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-17 (Uwes-17). For measurements in practice with dimensions of conditions for engagement, engagement opinions, and engagement behaviors through a questionnaire developed by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM, 2015), as well as to analyze whether there are differences in employee engagement between the male employees with female employees at Swift English School Yogyakarta using non-parametric statistical test. The results of this study indicate Swift English School Yogyakarta has owned the level of employee engagement, although it should be improved. Employees of Swift English School Yogyakarta are already exerting their passion in doing work (vigor), dedicate themselves for the progress of the company (dedications), and are happy to do the job (absorptions). This is supported with the statement of employees who feel that their work environment is supportive, employees are enthusiastic and eager to do the job, and employees also feel that they have given positive contribution for the progress of the company. Based on employee engagement survey results academically, dimension of dedications is the dimension of the most powerful among the other two dimensions, while the weak dimension is the dimension of absorptions. Furthermore, based on employee engagement survey results in practice most powerful dimension is the dimension of engagement opinions, while dimension that is still weak is dimension of engagement behaviors. There is no difference in the level of employee engagement significantly between male employees and female employees.

Kata Kunci : Keterikatan Karyawan, Vigor, Dedications, Absorptions, Condition for Engagement, Engagement Opinions, Engagement Behaviors. / Employee Engagement, Vigor, Dedications, Absorptions, Condition for Engagement, Engagement Opinions, Engagement Behaviors.