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NADIA PUTRI ARIANI, Dr. Akmaluddin S.T., M.T. ; Ir. Wartono Rahardjo

2017 | Skripsi | S1 TEKNIK GEOLOGI

Penentuan perubahan iklim purba menggunakan foraminifera kecil pada Formasi Sentolo belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya di daerah penelitian. Hal ini menjadi ketertarikan tersendiri untuk mengetahui bagaimana kondisi iklim saat batuan terbentuk serta sebagai informasi penting untuk penelitian ke depannya pada formasi ini. Daerah penelitian berada di Jurang Banjarharjo, Kecamatan Kalibawang, Kulon Progo, D.I. Yogyakarta. Pengambilan data lapangan dengan menggunakan tongkat Jacob dan mengambil sampel batuan secara sistematis, penentuan umur dengan metode biostratigrafi, penentuan lingkungan pengendapan dengan metode biofasies dan P/B ratio, sedangkan penentuan perubahan iklim purba dengan menggunakan kelimpahan fosil penciri dan persentase arah putaran Globorotalia sp.. Zona biostratigrafi dibandingkan dengan zonasi standar Blow (1969), dan Wade et al. (2011). Untuk lingkungan pengendapan berdasarkan Tipsword et al. (1966) serta iklim purba dibandingkan dengan iklim purba global Zachos et al. (2001). Daerah penelitian terdiri dari 2 jalur, yaitu Kalibawang dan Jurang-Banjarharjo dengan ketebalan total 58,3m serta total sampel analisis paleontologi sejumlah 32 sampel. Pengamatan paleontologi dilakukan dengan penghitungan 300 spesimen foraminifera kecil tiap sampel menggunakan mikroskop dengan perbesaran 40x. Data stratigrafi menunjukkan fasies penyusun daerah penelitian berupa fasies batupasir tufan karbonatan laminasi gradasional , fasies batulanau tufan karbonatan, fasies batupasir tufan karbonatan berlapis, fasies batupasir tufan karbonatan laminasi gradasi terbalik, fasies batupasir tufan karbonatan laminasi silangsiur, fasies batupasir tufan laminasi gradasional, fasies batupasir tufan berlapis, fasies batupasir tufan laminasi silang siur, fasies packstone laminasi gradasional, fasies wackestone, dan fasies batupasir tufan karbonatan gradasional channel. Biodatum yang ditemukan adalah awal kemunculan dari Globorotalia plesiotumida dan akhir kemunculan Globorotalia lenguaensis yang membagi lintasan menjadi 2 zona (Blow,1969) N16 dan N17 serta 3 zona (Wade et al.,2011) yaitu M13a, M13b, dan M14. Umur terbentuknya Formasi Sentolo sekitar ~8,5 jtl ����¯�¿�½������¢������¯������¿������½������¯������¿������½ 6,13 jtl. Lingkungan pengendapan batuan lintasan ini adalah batial bawah. Implikasi iklim purba terbagi menjadi 4 zona, zona I menghangat (N16), zona II mendingin (awal N17), zona III kembali menghangat dan zona IV mendingin (termuda). Hasil analisis data menunjukkan pola perubahan suhu mirip dengan pola yang dihasilkan pada sejumlah tempat yang berbeda di Indonesia dan Samudera Pasifik yang diyakini dipengaruhi oleh iklim global saat itu.

Research of paleoclimatic change using microfossils of foraminifera in the Sentolo Formation has never been done before in this area. It become its own interest to know how the climatic conditions as the rocks were formed and the information is important for future research in this formation. The research area covers of sedimentary rocks of Sentolo Formation in Jurang Banjarharjo, Kalibawang district, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The research process consist of collection of field data using Jacob staff, systematic rock sampling, Biostratigraphic age determination, determination of depositional environment with biofacies and P / B ratio methods, whereas the determination of paleoclimatic change by using abundance fossil of identifier and the coiling direction of Globorotalia sp.. Biostratigraphic zone is constructed in accordance to the standard zonation of Blow (1969), and Wade et al. (2011). For the depositional environment are based on the work of Tipsword et al. (1966). Paleoclimate is compared with ancient global climatic curve of Zachos et al. (2001). The research area consists of two sections, Kalibawang and Jurang-Banjarharjo, with total thickness of 58,3m and 32 samples for paleontological analysis. Paleontological observation is done by counting the 300 specimens of small foraminifera on each sample using a microscope with 40x magnification. Data shows that there are several stratigraphic facies, those are laminatedgraded tuffaceous calcareous sandstone facies, tuffaceous calcareous siltstone facies, interbedded tuffaceous calcareous sandstone facies, laminated-reverse graded tuffaceous calcareous sandstone facies, cross laminated tuffaceous calcareous sandstone facies, cross laminated tuffaceous sandstone facies, laminated-graded packstone facies, wakcestone facies, and channel-laminated calcareous tuffaceous sandstone facies. Biodata found are first appearance of Globorotalia plesiotumida and last appearance of Globorotalia lenguaensis which divide the section into two zones (Blow, 1969) N16 and N17 as and 3 zones (Wade et al., 2011) which M13a, M13b and M14. The Sentolo Formation were deposited around ~ 8.5 Mya - 6.13 Mya. Depositional environment of most of the rocks are lower bathyal. Paleoclimatic change during this time is divided into four zones, zone I warming up (N16), zone II cooling (initial N17), Zone III and Zone IV rewarmed to cool down (the youngest). The results of the analysis showed that there is a pattern that is similar to the pattern of temperature change at the same age at different places in Java and Pacific Ocean that is believed to be affected dominantly by the global climate.

Kata Kunci : Formasi Sentolo, biozonasi, biofasies, implikasi iklim purba