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Aktivitas Anti Stres Ekstrak Etanolik Sargassum hystrix secara In Vivo

LAILA SOFIA NUR'AINI , Dr. Amir Husni, S.Pi., M.P.; Dr. drh. Claude Mona Airin, M.P.; Dr. Ir. Alim Isnansetyo, M.Sc.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak etanolik Sargassum hystrix terhadap parameter hormon kortisol, glukosa, trigliserida dan kolestrol sebagai indikator stres melalui uji in vivo. Uji in vivo dilakukan menggunakan tikus Wistar betina usia 3 bulan dengan berat 110-160 g sebanyak 35 ekor dibagi menjadi 7 kelompok yaitu kontrol normal, kontrol puasa, kontrol negatif, dan kontrol positif (diazepam 0,18 mg/kg; ekstrak etanolik S. hystrix 150 mg/kg; 300 mg/kg; dan 450 mg/kg). Kelompok kontrol negatif dan positif diberi perlakuan stres berupa puasa (tidak diberi pakan hanya minum ad libitum) dan renang selama 5 menit. Stresor diberikan setiap hari selama 10 hari. Pengukuran bobot tubuh dilakukan setiap hari. Pengambilan darah dilakukan pada hari ke-0 (baseline), hari ke-5 dan hari ke-10 untuk analisis glukosa, trigliserida, kolesterol dan hormon kortisol. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanolik S. hystrix baik dosis 150, 300 dan 450 mg/kg dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa, trigliserida dan kolesterol. Dosis ekstrak etanolik S. hystrix 150 mg/kg memiliki kemampuan menurunkan kadar hormon kortisol sama dengan obat standar diazepam, sedangkan dosis 300 dan 450 mg/kg memiliki kemampuan menurunkan kadar hormon kortisol lebih cepat yaitu pada hari ke-5 perlakuan in vivo.

The research aimed to understand the impact of ethanolic extract of Sargassum hystrix on the cortisol hormone, glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol parameters as stress indicators through in vivo assay. In vivo asssay were conducted using 3-months old female Wistar rats (weight approximately 110-160 g). The total of 35 rats were divided into 7 groups; normal control, fasting control, negative control and positive control (diazepam 0.81 mg/kg; S. hystrix ethanolic extract 150 mg/kg; 300 mg/kg; 450 mg/kg). Groups of negative and positive control were given stress treatments that was fasting (ad libitum drink and no food were given) and 5-minutes swimming. Stressors were given every day for 10 days. Weight measurement was performed every day. Blood samples were collected on day-0 (baseline), day-5 and day-10 for the analysis of glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol and cortisol hormone. The results showed that the ethanolic extract of S. hystrix (150, 300 and 450 mg/kg) reduced the stress by lowering glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol level. The dose of ethanolic extract of S. hystrix at 150 mg/kg exhibited similar ability as diazepam to reduce the level of cortisol hormone, whereas the dose of 300 and 450 mg/kg were able to reduce the level of cortisol hormone faster (in day-5 of in vivo treatment).

Kata Kunci : in vivo, kortisol, Sargassum hystrix, stres oksidatif, stres renang

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