Laporkan Masalah


RADIKNA LUTFIANA S, Prof. Dr. Sismanto, M,Si.

2017 | Skripsi | S1 GEOFISIKA

Sebuah model reservoir 3 dimensi dibuat dengan menggunakan pendekatan geostatistika untuk menghilangkan beberapa ambiguitas dalam sebuah reservoir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari zona prospek hidrokarbon dan menghitung jumlah cadangan pada reservoir konglomerat berdasarkan pemodelan statik 3 dimensi di Lapangan Banda Neira, formasi Talang Akar Bawah, Cekungan Sumatra Selatan. Data interpretasi seismik berupa horizon, sesar,batas poligon dan data hasil analisis petrofisika berupa porositas efektif,saturasi air dan volume serpih digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Metode Sequential gaussian simulation dan collocated co-kriging digunakan untuk membuat sebuah model reservoir. Model statik 3 dimensi yang dibuat berupa model porositas, model saturasi air, model volume serpih dan model Net to Gross (NtG). Berdasarkan 4 model tersebut zona prospek hidrokarbon berada pada daerah timurlaut dan baratdaya daerah penelitian. Model yang dibuat menunjukan bahwa daerah prospek tersebut terakumulasi pada sebuah antiklin, dibatasi oleh sesar mayor berorientasi baratlaut dan baratdaya dan sesar minor berorientasi utara selatan. Berdasarkan model porositas efektif, saturasi air dan Net to Gross (NtG), jumlah reservoir konglomerat yang terbukti sebesar 43 billion square cubic feet (BSCF).

To reduce some ambiguities in a reservoir, a 3D static reservoir model was built using geostatistics approach. The aim of this research is to define a prospect hydrocarbon zone and volumetric calculations in conglomerates reservoir based on a 3D static model in Banda Neira Field, Lower Talang Akar Formation, South Sumatra Basin. Seismic interpretation data such as horizon interpretation, faults, polygon boundary and petrophysical properties such as effective porosity, water saturation and Volume Shale (Vshale) were used in this research. Sequential gaussian simulation method and collocated co-kriging were combined to build a model. Finally, effective porosity, water saturation , Vshale and Net to Gross (NtG) model have been built. According to these model, the hydrocarbon prospect zone is developed mainly in northeast and southwest of the studied area. It shows that the prospect zone is accumulated in an anticline, and bound by 2 major and 10 minor faults. Based on effective porosity, water saturation and NtG model, volumetric calculation in conglomerates reservoir is estimated to be 43 billion square cubic feet (BSCF).

Kata Kunci : 3D static, conglomerates, Sequential gaussian simulation