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MUHAMMAD HAMIDI, Dr. Techn. Ahmad Ashari., M.I.Kom

2016 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Komputer

Dalam komunikasi jaringan nirkabel ketika melakukan pengiriman paket dan mempertahankan kinerja yang baik ketika melakukan komunikasi dari node sumber ke node tujuan, diperlukan teknik protokol routing dengan layanan trafik yang baik untuk menjamin komunikasi tetap nyaman tanpa kendala jumlah node dan jarak antar node. Kenyamanan berkomunikasi selama komunikasi terletak pada quality of service yang menyediakan tingkat jaminan layanan trafik yang berbeda-beda dalam mengatur dan memberikan proritas layanan trafik yang memanfaatkan jaringan Zigbee. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja parameter quality of service seperti packet delivery ratio, average delay, dan goodput terhadap teknik protokol routing Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) single path dan multipath menggunakan layanan trafik constant bit rate (CBR) dan file transfer protocol (FTP) berdasarkan jarak antar node dan jumlah node yang disimulasikan menggunakan perangkat lunak Cygwin. Hasil dari pengujian yang dilakukan diperoleh kinerja nilai packet delivery ratio dan goodput menggunakan layanan trafik CBR dan FTP terbaik pada jarak antar node 10m dibanding jarak antar node 15m sampai 25m dan hasil terburuk ketika jarak antar node 30m sampai 75m pada kedua teknik protokol routing AODV single path dan multipath, sehingga mengindikasikan bahwa packet delivery ratio dan goodput berpengaruh terhadap layanan trafik yang digunakan. Dan hasil average delay menggunakan teknik protokol routing AODV multipath lebih rendah sehingga mengindikasikan bahwa jalur alternatif menekan buffer delay pada layanan trafik yang digunakan.

In a wireless network communication when sending packets and maintained good performance when the communication from the source node to the destination node, routing protocol techniques is needed to guarantee traffic service the confortable of communications without constraint number of nodes and the distance between nodes. The comfortable of communication during routing is depend on the quality of service that provide the difference level of service in arraging and giving the traffic service prority in the the network with traffic service constant bit rate (CBR) and file transfer protocol (FTP), which utilizes wireless network sensor network (WSN). This research used Zigbee network to know the effect on the performance of routing protocols techniques of quality of service parameters for constant bit rate traffic services and file transfer protocol based on the distance between nodes and the number of nodes. Simulated used Cygwin software. Based on the results of tests performed using the technique of routing protocol Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) single path and multipath for service traffic with constant bit rate and file transfer protocol, the result packet delivery ratio and goodput better on the distance between nodes 10m than the distance between node 15m to 25m, thus indicating that the packet delivery ratio and goodput affect the traffic services are used. And the average delay results using the technique of multipath routing protocol AODV lower, thus indicating that the alternative pathway suppress traffic delay on the service used.

Kata Kunci : Zigbee, AODV single path, AODV multipath, CBR, FTP

  1. S2-2016-371426-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2016-371426-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2016-371426-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2016-371426-title.pdf