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HARUN ARRASYID, Dr. Heribertus Jaka Triyana, SH.,LL.M.,MA.

2016 | Tesis | S2 Hukum Kesehatan

Penelitian mengenai Eksistensi Peraturan Internal Staf Keperawatan (Nursing Staf By Laws) Dalam Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Perawat di RSUD Banjarbaru, bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji keberadaan Peraturan Internal Staf Keperawatan dalam upaya perlindungan hukum bagi perawat di RSUD Banjarbaru. Keberadaan peraturan ini diartikan sebagai menganalisis kedudukannya, materi dan substansi berkaitan dengan asas-asas dan norma-norma hukum serta kesesuaiannya dengan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, dan untuk mengetahui serta menganalisis pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pembinaan, serta kendala dan upaya yang dilakukan oleh RSUD Banjarbaru dalam melaksanakan Peraturan Internal Staf Keperawatan tersebut berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 49 Tahun2013. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif-empiris, dengan memecahkan masalah penelitian dengan meneliti data sekunder terlebih dahulu, untuk kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mengadakan penelitian primer di lapangan. Hasil penelitian dipaparkan dengan metode deskriptif dengan cara memberikan gambaran yang sebenarnya mengenai substansi, materi serta kedudukan peraturan internal staf keperawatan rumah sakit (nursing staf by laws) ditinjau dari aspek hukum administrasi negara dalam upaya perlindungan hukum bagi perawat di RSUD Banjarbaru , dan mengetahui serta mengkaji kendala dan upaya yang dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, eksistensi nursing staf by laws diakui namun belum sepenuhnya dirasakan kehadirannya di RSUD Banjarbaru, meskipun peraturan tersebut sudah dibentuk oleh direktur rumah sakit berdasarkan pelimpahan wewenang oleh Menteri Kesehatan yang tercantum dalam Permenkes Nomor 49 Tahun 2013. Kekuatan mengikatnya adalah secara umum sebagai peraturan kebijakan (beleidsregel) karena bukan aturan turunan dari peraturan perundang-undangan diatasnya, namun tetap memiliki relevansi hukum. Pengaturan yang dilakukan berpusat pada legitimasi kewenangan perawat dalam bentuk clinical appointment berdasarkan clinical privilege. Pelaksanaan Nursing Staff By Laws di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Banjarbaru telah diatur secara tertulis di Peraturan Direktur Nomor 06 tahun 2015 yang menerapkan peraturan internal staf keperawatan. Hal ini dapat dilihat bahwa struktur organisasi komite keperawatan sudah sejalan dengan apa yang diamanatkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 49 tahun 2013, namun pada pelaksanaannya belum sesuai dengan ketentuan. Tidak adanya bukti tertulis penugasan klinis, tidak adanya buku putih, belum terbentuknya mitra bestari hingga tidak berjalannya fungsi pembinaan dan pengawasan.

Research on the Existence of Internal Nursing Staff Regulations (Nursing Staff By Laws) in Legal Protection for Nurses at District General Hospital Banjarbaru, aims to identify and assess the existence of Nursing Staff Internal Rules for the protection of the law for nurses in District General Hospital Banjarbaru. The existence of this rule is defined as analyzing the position, law material and law substance associated with the principles and norms of law and compliance with the legislation in force, and to know and analyze the implementation, supervision and guidance, as well as constraints and efforts made by Banjarbaru Hospital in implementing the Nursing Staff By Laws based on the Minister of Health Regulation Number 49 of 2013. This is a normative-empirical research, to solve the problem by examining secondary data research beforehand, and then proceed to conduct primary research in the field.The results of the research is presented with descriptive methods by providing an exposure of the substance, material and position of the Nursing Staff By Laws from the aspect of administrative law for the protection of the law for nurses in hospitals Banjarbaru, and to know and assess constraints and efforts that has been made. Based on the analysis, the existence of Nursing Staff By Laws have been approved but have not been fully felt its presence in District General Hospital Banjarbaru, although these rules has already established by the director of the hospital by delegation of authority by the Minister of Health Regulation Number 49 of 2013. The strength of binding of this regulation is generally binding, as regulatory policy (beleidsregel) because it is not a rule derived from the legislation above it, but still has legal relevance. This regulation is to provide the legitimacy of authority of the nurse in the form on clinical appointments based on clinical privileges. Implementation of Nursing Staff By Laws in the District General Hospital Banjarbaru has been set in the Regulation of Director Number 06 of 2015 to implement internal regulations of nursing staff. It can be seen that the nursing committee organizational structure is in line with what form was mandated by the Minister of Health Regulation Number 49 of 2013, but the implementation is not in accordance with the provisions. The absence of written evidence of clinical assignments, absence of the white paper, peer group has not been established and ineffectiveness of the supervision.

Kata Kunci : Eksistensi, Nursing Staf By Laws, Komite Keperawatan dan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Banjarbaru