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Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Aliansi Strategis PT. Upaya Mandiri Sejahtera Dengan Esbelt S.A Pada Industri Ban Berjalan (Conveyor Belt)


2016 | Tesis | S2 Manajemen

INTISARI Berkaitan dengan perdagangan bebas yang telah memacu banyak perusahaan untuk melakukan eksapansi ke seluruh dunia. Maka negara pun berusaha menciptakan daya saing nasional demi kesejahteraan perkonomian mereka yang akan bersaing dengan perusahaan dari negara-negara lain. Daya saing nasional adalah produktivitas yang didefinisikan sebagi output yang dihasilkan oleh tenaga kerja. Adapun faktor-faktor produksinya meliputi permintaan domestik, sumber daya di suatu negara, keberadaan industri terkait, serta strtaegi, struktur, dan tingkat persaingan perusahaan. Esbelt S.A selaku perusahaan internasional dari negara Spanyol merupakan satu-satunya perusahaan manufaktur ban berjalan yang mengekspor 70% hasil produksinya ke 85 negara di seluruh dunia melalui sistem kerja sama aliansi strategis dengan perusahaan lokal di negara tujuan investasi. Daya saing nasional Spanyol pun turut terbantu dengan kemampuan bersaing Esbelt di industrinya dari para pesaing dari negara lain. Kemitraan usaha tersebut terjalin dengan distributor lokal PT. Upaya Mandiri Sejahtera sebagai perwakilan dagang mereka secara eklusif untuk teritori Indonesia. Melalui analisis ekternal daya saing nasional akan diketahui bahwa Esbelt selaku perusahaan internasional telah turut menjadikan negara Spanyol memiliki daya saing nasional yang kuat. Banyaknya distributor pesaing yang gulung tikar di industri ini memunculkan pertanyaan bagaimana strategi kerja sama antara Esbelt dan PT. Upaya Mandiri Sejahtera mampu bertahan dalam kondisi ekonomi yang tertekan serta persaingan yang ketat di antara para pesaingnya di Indonesia. Selain itu, akan diketahui pula bagaimana analisis ekternal PT. Upaya Mandiri Sejahtera melalui metode Lima Kekuatan Bersaing dalam menghadapi maraknya persaingan di Indonesia. Ban berjalan sendiri merupakan alat mobilitas hasil komoditas barang-barang industri. Ban berjalan sendiri pertama kali ditemukan oleh Thomas Robins pada abad ke-19. Pertama kali ban berjalan digunakan untuk mengangkut bahan tambang, batu bara, bijih, dan lainnya. Bahan dasar ban berjalan dapat terbuat dari polyvinylchloride (PVC), polyurethane (PU), karet, dan plastik. Secara garis besar, ban berjalan berguna untuk mengangkut barang berat dan barang ringan.

ABSTRACT Pertaining to free trade that has spurred many companies to perform Expansion was driven to the whole world. Then the country was trying to create a national competitiveness perkonomian for the welfare of those who will compete with companies from other countries. National competitiveness is productivity is defined as output produced by labor. The factors of production include domestic demand, the resources of a country, the existence of related industries, as well as strtaegi, structure, and level of competition the company. Esbelt S.A as international companies from countries Spain is the only company manufacturing a conveyor belt which exports 70% of its products to 85 countries worldwide through a cooperative system of strategic alliances with local companies in an investment destination. Spanish national competitiveness also helped helped by the ability to compete in our industry Esbelt of competitors from other countries. The business partnerships established with local distributor PT. Efforts Mandiri Sejahtera as their sales representative for exclusive access to Indonesian territory. Through the analysis of external national competitiveness will note that Esbelt as international companies have helped make the country Spain has a strong national competitiveness. The number of distributors competitors out of business in this industry raises the question of how the strategy of cooperation between Esbelt and PT. Efforts Mandiri Sejahtera able to survive in the depressed economic conditions and intense competition among its competitors in Indonesia. Moreover, it will note also how the analysis of external PT. Efforts Mandiri Sejahtera through the method of the Five Powers Compete in the face of the competition in Indonesia. The conveyor belt itself is a tool of mobility results commodities and industrial goods. The conveyor belt itself was first discovered by Thomas Robins in the 19th century. First conveyor used to transport minerals, coal, ore, and others. The basic ingredients of the conveyor can be made from polyvinylchloride (PVC), polyurethane (PU), rubber, and plastics. Broadly speaking, the conveyor belt is useful for transporting heavy goods and light goods. Keywords:

Kata Kunci : Aliansi Strategis, Distribusi Ekslusif, Analisis Daya Saing Nasional, Analisis Lima Kekuatan Bersaing, Ban Berjalan / Strategic Alliance, Exclusive Distribution, Competitive Advantage of Nation analysis, Five forces Porter analysis, Conveyor Belt.