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ELRIZA CHARIS NURROJI, Ir. Supardjo Supardi D., S.U.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan anggota kelompok penerima dan bukan penerima program CSR dan mengetahui sumbangan pendapatan dari usaha perikanan tangkap terhadap pendapatan total nelayan penerima program CSR Desa Socorejo, Kecamatan Jenu, Kabupaten Tuban. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April – Mei 2016. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah surveI dengan sampel ditentukan dengan metode snowball sampling. Unit analisis adalah nelayan juragan penerima program CSR dengan total sampel 50 responden dan nelayan ABK bukan menerima program CSR 8 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata penerimaan total nelayan dalam satu tahun sebesar Rp188.239.200 untuk nelayan juragan Rp72.140.250 untuk nelayan ABK. Biaya total yang dikeluarkan nelayan juragan dan ABK Desa Socorejo selama satu tahun masing-masing sebesar Rp80.786.025 dan Rp29.974.750. Keuntungan kotor yang diperoleh nelayan Juragan dan ABK masing-masing sebesar Rp117.075.000 dan Rp44.802.750 sedangkan pendapatan bersih masing-masing sebesar Rp107.453.175 dan Rp42.165.500. Nelayan Desa Socorejo hanya mengandalkan pendapatan dari usaha pernangkapan ikan di laut, sehingga sumbangan pendapatan dari usaha penangkapan ikan terhadap pendapatan total nelayan adalah 100%. Program CSR memberikan dampak positif terhadap pendapatan nelayan penerima (juragan) melalui diversifikasi alat tangkap dan meningkatnya hasil tangkapan dengan adanya rumpon, sedangkan nelayan bukan penerima (ABK) program CSR memperoleh dampak positif dari meningkatnya hasil tangkapan.

The aim of this research is to find out the fisherman group’s revenues that received the CSR program and the influences from the revenue of fishery activities to the total revenue of fisherman who received the CSR program in Socorejo Village, Sub Regency of Jenu Tuban. The research was conducted from April 2016 to May 2016. Survey method was applied and samples were selected by using snowball-sampling method. The unit analysis was household of 50 respondents whose role as a skipper who receive the CSR program and 8 fisherman that did not receive the CSR program. The result of this research show that the average revenue of the skipper within a year was about Rp188.239.200 for fishing boat owner (juragan) and was about Rp72.140.250 for worker (ABK). The total cost of fishing operation was Rp80.786.025 in a year for the fishing boat owner and Rp 29.974.750 in a year for worker. The gross profit of the was Rp117.075.000 for fishing boat owner and as for the worker was Rp44.802.750. The net revenue of fishing boat owner and worker on fishingboat were Rp107.453.175 and Rp42.165.500, respectively. The fisherman in Village Socorejo village only have this profession as the main source of income. The CSR program give a positive impact on the revenue of fisherman by helping on fishing gear diversification and the increase of the catch because of technology that were introduced (such as rompon), while the fisherman who did not receive the CSR Program get a possitive effect by the catch increasing.

Kata Kunci : csr, nelayan, pendapatan, sumbangan pendapatan, Socorejo

  1. S1-2016-333083-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2016-333083-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2016-333083-title.pdf