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Aplikasi Standard Operating Procedure Telephone Operator di Hotel Neo+ Awana By Aston International Yogyakarta


2016 | Tugas Akhir | D3 KEPARIWISATAAN SV

INTISARI Bagian telephone operator merupakan bagian yang mempunyai tugas serta peranan yang sangat penting terutama dalam front office department sehingga bagian tersebut menjadi ujung tombak untuk sebuah hotel. Maka dari itu Tugas Akhir ini membahas mengenai aplikasi standard operating procedure secara terperinci sehingga bagian tersebut bias dibilang penting untuk sebuah hotel. Tujuan penulisan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui standard operating procedure telephone operator dan mengetahui hambatan yang dialamioleh telephone operator di Hotel Neo+ Awana By Aston International Yogyakarta. Metode pengumpulan data adalah melalui wawancara, studi pustaka, dan observasi secara langsung guna mempelajari dan melihat secara nyata bagaimana telephone operator melakukan aplikasi standard operating procedure. Dari hasil analisa terbukti bahwa telephone operator dalam melakukan aplikasi didi Hotel Neo+ Awana By Aston International Yogyakarta sudah benar berpedoman pada Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) yang ada, tetapi perlu adanya peningkatan kinerja di bagian Telephone Operator untuk memaksimalkan kualitas pelayanan dan menjamin kepuasan tamu.

ABSTRACT Telephone Operator section is the part of jobdesk that has very important role, especially in the front office department, that become a spearhead of the rules for a hotel management. This final project is willing to discuss the application of standard operating procedure in detail, which is that make this section could be considered as an importantjobdesk for a hotel management. The purpose of writing this final project is to describe about the standard operating procedure of telephone operator section and determine some obstacle from the jobdesk and how they handle as an service in Hotel Neo+ Awana By Aston Yogyakarta. There are some methods of data collection that be used in this research, such as interviews, literature review, and direct observation to evaluate how the performance of telephone operator according from the Standard Operating Procedure. From the analysis result we can prove that implementation of telephone operator standard in Hotel Neo + Awana By Aston Yogyakartado is correct based on the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP). Although still need to increase in performance as telephone operators to maximize the quality of service and ensure guest satisfaction. Keywords: Front office, telephone operators, service, Hotel Neo + AwanaBy Aston International, Yogyakarta

Kata Kunci : Front office, telephone operator, pelayanan, Hotel Neo+ Awana By Aston International, Yogyakarta

  1. D3-2016-351450-abstract.pdf  
  2. D3-2016-351450-bibliography.pdf  
  3. D3-2016-351450-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. D3-2016-351450-title.pdf