Laporkan Masalah


DIDIK NURHADI, dr. Jarir At Thobari, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D ; Dr. Kuncoro H Widodo, S.T.P., M.Eng

2016 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Latar belakang: Undang-undang nomor 44 tahun 2009 dan Permenkes nomor 58 tahun 2014 menyatakan pelayanan kefarmasian di rumah sakit harus dilakukan dengan sistem terpadu atau satu pintu. Permendagri nomor 61 tahun 2007 mengharuskan BLUD mengoptimalkan sumber-sumber pendapatan. Sejak januari tahun 2014 RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus menerapkan sistem pelayanan farmasi tepadu di rawat inap VIP. Penerapan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatan profitabiltas dan kualitas pelayanan layanan obat di RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus Palangka Raya. Tujuan: Mengetahui dampak penerapan sistem pelayanan farmasi terpadu terhadap profitabilitas dan kualitas layanan obat di RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus Palangka Raya. Metode: Metode kuantitatif desain kohort untuk profitabilitas dan cross-sectional untuk survey kualitas layanan obat Hasil Penelitian: Profitabilitas pada rawat inap VIP yang sudah menerapkan sistem farmasi terpadu lebih besar dari pada non VIP yang belum terpadu. Rata-rata laba bersih VIP (sebelum Rp 29,56;sesudah 47,21 juta) & non VIP (sebelum 35,13;sesudah 22,79 juta) ; GPM VIP (sebelum 44,33;sesudah 42,26%) & non VIP (sebelum 43,27;sesudah 36,17%; NPM VIP (sebelum 40,96; sesudah 39,29%) & non VIP (sebelum 40,44 ; sesudah 32,64%) ; OMR: VIP (sebelum 59,03; sesudah 60,71%) & non VIP (sebelum 59,56; sesudah 67,36%). Hasil uji beda mean survey kualitas layanan obat di VIP tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara harapan dengan kenyataan (kecuali tangible 5 dan assurance 2) dan hasil importance performance analysis semua pernyataan masuk ke kuadran II (pertahankan prestasi) sedangkan di non VIP terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara harapan dengan kenyataan. Hasil importance performance analysis terdapat pernyataan yang masuk kuadran I (prioritas utama) yaitu tangible 1 (terdapat fasilitas penyimpanan obat di ruang rawat inap), reliability 1 (alur pelayanan obat mudah), dan responsiveness 3 (petugas menyiapkan obat/ pasien tidak ambil sendiri obat ke apotek)

Background: Indonesias Government Regulation no. 44, 2009 and Ministry of Health Regulation no. 58, 2014 explained that hospital pharmacy service must be implemented using integrated system or one door system. Other regulation such as regulation of internal affairs ministry no. 61, 2007 forced public service agency (BLUD) to optimalize the source of revenue. Since January, 2014, public hospital of dr. Doris Sylvanus has applied integrated pharmacy systemin VIP Ward. The implementation is expected to improved hospital profit and quality of drug services in public hospital of dr. Doris Sylvanus Palangka Raya. Objective: Understanding the effect of implementation integrated pharmacy systemtowards hopital profit and quality of drugs services in dr.Doris Sylvanus Public Hopital, Palangka Raya. Method: This study used cohort design to observed the hospitals profit and cross sectional design for quality of drugs services. Result: Profitability results of VIP Ward used integrated pharmacy system compared with non VIP Ward used unintegrated pharmacy system as follows of VIP (before: 29,56 million: after 47,21 million) and non VIP (before: 35,13 million; after: 22,79 million); GPM of VIP (before: 44,33%; after: 42,26%) and non VIP (before: 43,27%; after 36,17%); NPM of VIP (before: 40,96%; after: 39,29%) and non VIP (before: 40,44; after: 32,64%; OMR of VIP (before: 59,03%; after: 60,71%) and non VIP (before: 59,56; after: 67,36%. Different mean test towards quality of drug services showed there was not significantly different between reality and expectation (except tangible 5 and assurance 2) and result of importance performance analysis showed all of statement signed in the second quadrant (maintain achievement), while non VIP showed significantly different between reality and expectation. Result of importance performance analysis in non VIP showed there were statement signed in the first quadrant (main priority) such as tangible 1 (there was drug storage in ward) reliability 1 (easiness of drug flow services), and responsiveness 3 (ward officer provided drugs for patient or patient did not took drugs by itself in pharmacy.

Kata Kunci : Pelayanan farmasi terpadu, sistem satu pintu, pendapatan farmasi, profitabilitas

  1. S2-2016-357058-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2016-357058-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2016-357058-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2016-357058-title.pdf