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The Origin of the Qur'an as scripture :: a Study on Arthur Jeffery's thought

QURBANY, Ummu Humairo', Dr. Sahiron Syamsuddin

2008 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Perbandingan Agama

Kajian mengenai asal usul al-Qur’an masih menjadi wacana kontroversial di kalangan Orientalis. Mereka berbeda pendapat dalam hal ini,. Beberapa di antara mereka menyataka al-Qur’an berasal dari tradisi agama Yahudi. Sebagian yang lain mengatakan al-Qur’an berasal dari tradisi agama Kristen. Bahkan, ada yang mengasalkannya kepada semua tradisi agama pra-Islam termasuk Zoroaster dan Manichaeisme. Namun, satu hal yang menjadi ciri khas pemikiran mereka yaitu sebuah hipotesa bahwa al-Qur’an adalah produk manusia (Muhammad). Salah satu tokoh Orientalis terkemuka yang berpendapat bahwa al-Qur’an mengikuti tradisi agama-agama pra-Islam adalah Arthur Jeffery, seorang bahasawan asal Australia. Dia menganut agama Kristen dan mendedikasikan hidup bahkan kesarjanaannya untuk kemajuan agamanya. Studi Jeffery tentang al-Qur’an pun didorong oleh motivasi religius ini. Tanpa disadari, motivasi ini telah memkonstruk pra-asumsi tentang al-Qur’an dalam pikirannya, yang kemudian berpengaruh terhadap studinya. Dalam eksplorasi tentang asal-usul al-Qur’an, Jeffery berpendapat bahwa Muhammad, ketika mengarang al-Qur’an, telah mempelajari dan mengimitasi ajaran tradisi agama-agama sebelumnya. Pendapat ini berdasarkan pada kemiripan kosakata dalam al-Qur’an dan tradisi agama-agama pra-Islam. Namun ternyata, pendapat ini telah mengabaikan beberapa fakta ajaran fundamental al-Qur’an yang berkontradiksi dengan ajaran agama pra-Islam. Sebagai contoh, al-Qur’an sangat menentang konsep Trinitas dan sifat ketuhanan Yesus yang dikedepankan oleh umat Kristen, keyakinan penganut Yahudi akan keunggulan bangsa mereka atas bangsa lain dan ajaran politeisme yang dianut oleh agama nenek moyang. Sebaliknya, al-Qur’an sangat menjunjung tinggi keesaan Tuhan dan kesejajaran manusia. Fakta ini menunjukkan dengan jelas, ajaran utama dalam al- Qur’an dan tradisi agama sebelumnya berkontradiksi secara tegas. Oleh karena itu, investigasi asal-usul al-Qur’an oleh Jeffery tidak memenuhi standar keilmiahan, karena telah melakukan reduksi. Tindakan reduksi dalam studi Jeffery terhadap asal-usul al-Qur’an adalah karena mengaplikasikan pendekatan historis. Historisme mendefinisikan keberadaan sebuah entitas sebagai produk lingkungan fisik, sosial, budaya dan religiusnya (empiris). Kelemahannya adalah sang peneliti historisme bertindak sebagai “the outsider” (orang luar) yang dengan mudah menafikan beberapa fakta fundamental untuk mencocokkan kerangka teorinya. Dengan demikian, aplikasi pendekatan historis dalam study al-Qur’an memiliki banyak kelemahan. Atas kerja keras dan hasil studi yang kontroversial tentang asal-usul al-Qur’an, banyak sarjana Muslim yang memberi komentar. Ada yang menolak dan ada pula yang menyambut positif pemikirannya. Namun, pada dasarnya para sarjana Muslim masih menyakini bahwa al-Qur’an berasal dari Tuhan, meskipun mereka berbeda opini tentang definisi implementasi wahyu Tuhan dalam al-Qur’an. tidak satupun di antara mereka yang menyatakan al-Qur’an adalah derivasi tradisi agama pra Islam. Satu hal yang terungkap dalam studi ini adalah study lintas agama rentan terhadap penetrasi keimanan sang penelitinya.

The study on the origin of the Qur’an is still a controversial discourse among Orientalists. They have different opinion on it. Some of them state that the Qur’an derived from Judaism or from Christianity. Some think that it also derived from other previous religious traditions such as Zoroaster. However, their certain hypothesis is that the Qur’an is the product of human (Muhammad). One of the famous Orientalists who deem that the Qur’an follows the previous religious traditions is Arthur Jeffery, a bright Australian linguist. He is a virtuous Christian who dedicates his life to Christianity. Even, he did his scholarship for Christian purpose. By this religious motivation, Jeffery studied the Qur’an in order to advance Christianity. Therefore, it is natural if his Christian motivation has led him to have some pre-understanding of the Qur’an. In exploration of the origin of the Qur’an, Jeffery thinks that Muhammad, in making the Qur’an, had learned and imitated the teachings of the previous religious traditions. On the basis of resembling words which are possessed by the Qur’an and the previous religious traditions, Jeffery asserts his opinion. Nevertheless, viewing his opinion and its basis, Jeffery seems to ignore other fundamental points which are held by the Qur’an and the previous religious traditions. Obviously, the Qur’an rejects some significant beliefs of the previous religious traditions such as the concept of trinity and the deity of the Chris in Christianity, the superiority of Jews in Judaism and polytheism in ancient religions. On the contrary, the Qur’an tightly holds the unity of God and equality of humankind. Due to this circumstance, definitely the statement of that the Qur’an imitates the previous religious traditions is improper. It is because generally one thing could be said as the imitation of the previous thing, only if it had same primary points which resemble what the previous thing possessed, although there were some different complements inside. In fact, the Qur’an and the previous religious traditions have contradicting primary beliefs. Jeffery’s result of his study of the origin of the Qur’an is because he applies historical approach. In Historicism, the origin of an entity is a product of its physical, socio-cultural and socio-religious surroundings (empirical). Unfortunately, the negative effect of the researcher position as the outsider is that he easily denies some fundamental facts of the object in order to fix his theoretical framework. It consequently does reductionism and therefore this study does not fulfill scientific standard. Responding Jeffery’s thought of the origin of the Qur’an, many Muslim scholars have different comments upon him. Some of them agree with his work of study, but most of them disagree with his thought. However, they all still believe that the Qur’an is God’s word although they have different understanding on the implementation of God word in the Qur’an. In other words, they do not accept the statement of that the Qur’an is derivation of the previous religions. Finally, this study points out that the existence of researcher’s faith –undeliberately- penetrates and influences the work of cross religious studies.

Kata Kunci : Al Qur'an,Asal Usul,Arthur Jeffery, the origin of the Qur’an, Arthur Jeffery, the previous religious traditions, resemblance, historicism

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