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MEGA SETYOWATI, Dr. Ir. Arif Kusumawanto, M.T. ; Ir. Agus Prasetya, M.Eng.Sc., Ph.D.

2018 | Tesis | S2 TEKNIK SISTEM

Pengelolaan sampah merupakan bagian dari program pencapaian kampus hijau. Universitas Gadjah Mada memiliki Standard Operating Procedure dalam mengelola sampah yang dihasilkan. Sampah yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing bangunan atau unit kerja untuk sementara ditampung di depot limbah sebelum dibuang ke tempat pembuangan akhir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memodelkan sistem pengelolaan sampah dan menghitung probabilitas timbulan sampah dengan metode Bayesian network, mengkaji keberlanjutan sistem pengelolaan sampah sesuai standar dari UI GreenMetric, dan merekomendasikan teknologi pengolahan sampah sesuai besarnya probabilitas timbulan dan indikator UI GreenMetric Sistem pengelolaan sampah UGM tidak hanya berdasarkan konsep kumpul-angkut-buang. Sampah yang berada di depo sebagian diolah di LDUS menjadi pupuk kompos. Berdasarkan metode Bayesian network, Probabilitas timbulan sampah berturut-turut; sampah kertas 9.23%, sampah organik 7.15%, sampah lainnya 4.9%, dan sampah plastik 0%. Kapasitas pengolahan di Laboratorium Daur Ulang Sampah masih mampu menghandle apabila terdapat peningkatan timbulan sampah maksimal 4.45% dan dapat mereduksi timbulan sampah di TPST Piyungan sebesar 3.82%. 2. Pada kondisi eksisting nilai keberlanjutan program green campus nilainya 4.47% dari total 12%. Nilai keberlanjutan terendah diakibatkan belum adanya regulasi terkait penggunaan kertas dan plastik, sehingga apabila regulasi sudah ditetapkan maka nilai dari keberlanjutan dapat ditingkatkan hingga 10.98%

Waste management is part of the green campus achievement program. Universitas Gadjah Mada has Standard Operating Procedure in managing waste generated. The waste produced by each building or work unit is temporarily stored in the waste depot before disposal to the landfill. This study aims to model waste management systems and calculate the probability of waste generation by the Bayesian network method, to examine the sustainability of the standard waste management system of UI GreenMetric, and to recommend the waste processing technology according to the magnitude of the probability of the timbulan and the GreenMetric UI indicator UGM waste management system is not only based on the concept of collect-haul-transport. Trash that is in the depot is partially processed in LDUS into compost fertilizer. Based on the Bayesian network method, the probability of waste generation is consecutive; paper waste 9.23%, organic waste 7.15%, other waste 4.9%, and plastic waste 0%. The processing capacity at Waste Recycling Laboratory is still capable of handling if there is an increase of waste generation up to 4.45% and can reduce waste generation in Piyungan TPST by 3.82%. 2. In the existing condition, the sustainability value of the green campus program is 4.47% of the total 12%. The lowest sustainability value is due to the absence of regulations related to the use of paper and plastic, so that if the regulation has been determined then the value of sustainability can be increased up to 10.98%

Kata Kunci : Pengelolaan sampah, Bayesian network , GreenMetric, waste management

  1. S2-2018-373801-tableofcontent.pdf