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WIWID SANTIKO, dr. Titik Nuryastuti,Sp.MK. M.Si, Ph.D.

2014 | Skripsi | PENDIDIKAN DOKTER

Latar Belakang: Infeksi Jamur terutama isolat Candida sp, mempunyai mortalitas dan morbiditas tinggi baik di dunia maupun di Indonesia. Terbinafin sebagai antifungal diketahui menyebabkan resistensi. Senyawa 1,10-Fenantrolin telah berhasil diturunkan menjadi Fenantrolin 1, yang diketahui mempunyai efek antibakterial dan antiplasmodial. 1,10-fenantrolin terbukti berikatan dengan kompleks metal membentuk kompleks phen-metal yang berikatan dengan logam transisi seperti ion Cu2+, Mn2+, dan Ag2+ yang berpotensi sebagai antifungal. Tujuan: Mengetahui potensi antifungal dan Kadar Hambat Mininum (KHM) aktifitas antifungal 1,10-fenantrolin, yaitu Fenantrolin 1 terhadap strain Candida Sp resisten terbinaafin Metode: Design penelitian ini menggunakan Deskriptif Experimental dengan metode Microbroth dilution. Fenantrolin 1 dengan konsentrasi 25; 12,5; 6,25; 3,175; 1,6; 0,8; 0,4; 0,2 (μg/ml), diujikan di Microplate 96 well, yang berisikan Candida sp sesuai standar McFarland dan dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif dan negatif. Setelah itu dilakukan inkubasi 48 jam. Pembacaan hasil kekeruhan atau kejernihan dengan pengamatan Visual. Hasil: Pemberian Fenantrolin 1 dengan konsentrasi 25; 12,5; 6,25; 3,175 μg/ml mampu menghambat pertumbuhan isolat Candida sp yang ditunjukkan dengan kejernihan pada sumuran. KHM Fenantrolin 1 terhadap isolat Candida sp resisten Terbinafin adalah 3,175 μg/ml. Kesimpulan: Fenantrolin 1 mempunyai potensi antifungal terhadap isolat Candida sp resisten Terbinafin dengan KHM sebesar 3,175 μg/ml. Mekanisme aksi Fenantrolin 1 sebagai antifungal masih perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan.

Background: Fungus Infection especially Candida sp isolate, have a high mortality and morbidity in the world and Indonesia. Terbinafine as antifungal known cause resistance. The compound 1,10-Phenantroline has successfully differentiated to Phenantroline-1, which known have antibacterial and antiplasmodial effects. 1- 10,Phenantroline proved and binds to the metal complex form metal-phen complexes that bind to transtition metal ions, such as Cu2+, Mn2+ and Ag2+ and potentially as antifungal. Objective: To determine the potential of antifungal effect and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) antifungal activity of Phenantrolin-1 against resistant strains of Candida sp with Terbinafine. Methods: Design of this study is descriptive experimental, used Microbroth Dilution method. Phenantrolin 1 with a concentration of 25; 12.5; 6.25; 3.175; 1.6, 0.8, 0.4, 0.2 (ug / ml), was tested in 96 well Microplate, which contains Candida sp according to standard McFarland and compared with positive and negative controls. After 48 hours of incubation was performed, the reading results turbidity or clarity with Visual observation. Result: Phenantroline-1 with a concentration of 25; 12.5; 6.25; 3.175 ug / ml were able to inhibit the growth of Candida sp isolates, indicated with clarity on pitting. MIC Phenantroline-1 against resistant isolates of Candida sp Terbinafine is 3.175 ug / ml. Conclusion: Phenantroline-1 has a potential antifungal against Candida sp isolates with MIC for resistant Terbinafine 3.175 ug / ml. The mechanism action as an antifungal of Phenantroline-1 still needs further research

Kata Kunci : Isolat Candida sp, Terbinafin, Fenantrolin 1, Microbroth dilution, Resistensi

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