Laporkan Masalah


MONIKA I K S, Sumiyana, Dr., M.Si., Ak., CA.

2018 | Tesis | S2 Akuntansi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik inovasi difusi pada pengoperasian e-procurement di rumah sakit jiwa Grhasia Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan domain pengetahuan yang terdapat teori inovasi difusi. Domain tersebut meliputi keuntungan relatif, kompleksitas, kompatibel, dan keandalan pencermatan. Aktivitas terkait domain tersebut di antaranya pengoperasionalan e- procuremen melalui e-catalog kemudian dilanjutkan menggunakan e-purchasing. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Keuntungan relatif pada pengoperasionalan e-procurement yaitu efisien yang diwujudkan dalam kemudahan dalam pengadaan obat. Harga lebih murah dibandingkan yang tidak melalui e-procurement. Kesesuaian merupakan tingkat keserasian dari inovasi. Kompelsitas menjelaskan mengenai tingkat kerumitan inovasi untuk diadopsi. Kekuatan pencermatan menjelaskan tingkat penggunaan inovasi, dapat dilihat oleh orang lain. Penggunaan e-procurement merasa lebih murah, informasi sudah tersedia dan diunggah oleh ULP. Bagi pihak yang melakukan perencanaan obat, sistem e-procurement sudah cukup menyajikan informasi yang lengkap. Pihak pengguna juga meyakini kebermanfaatan dari sistem e-purchasing. Selain itu, kebermanfaatan dari e- purchasing untuk memonitor posisi paket serta sebagai acuan melihat kinerja dari rekanan. Namun demikian, masih ada beberapa kendala dalam sistem e-purchasing.

This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of diffusion of innovation characteristics in the of e-procurement also aims to identify strenghs and weakness of the innovation compared to the normative standards of its usefulness at Grhasia Mental Hospital, Yogyakarta. This study employed knowledge domain inthe theory of diffusion of innovation. This domain include relative advantages, complexity, compatibility, and reability of observation. Activities related to the domain are composed of operating e- procurement by e-catalog and e-purchasing. Thes results ofthis study indicate that there is a relative advantage in the operation of e-procurement . the relative advantage es efficiency manifested in the easy access of the procurement of drugs. The prices are also cheaper than those provided by non –e-procurement. Conformity show the level of conncordance of the innovation. The information written in the catalogue has been in accordance with the need of the sub-division of pharmacy in drug planning. As for complexity, it explain the level of complecity of the innovation . the e-procurement can be easily operated, especially in searching drugs. Reliability of observation explain at which level the innovation is used, whether it is accessible for people. In addition, the prices are cheaper by the e-procurement. The information is available and uploaded by ULP (Procurement Service Unit). For those who conduct drug planning, the e- procurement system provided sufficiently complete information. The user also believe in the usefulness of the e-purchasing system. In addition, the e-purchasing is useful to monitore the position of package and to serve as the reference to see the work performance of the parte. However, there are still some obstacles in the e-purchasing system.

Kata Kunci : karakteristik inovasi, e-procurement

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