Laporkan Masalah


SURYA BUDHI PERMANA, Hari Agung Yuniarto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D

2018 | Skripsi | S1 TEKNIK INDUSTRI

Jembatan merupakan komponen vital dalam kegiatan transportasi darat karena jembatan menghubungkan antara daerah yang terpisahkan oleh sungai atau laut. Jembatan rangka baja merupakan salah satu jenis bangunan yang menjadi bagian penting dari proses transportasi. Pemanfaatan jembatan rangka baja harus seefektif dan seefisien mungkin mulai dari tahap perencanaan, fabrikasi dan pelaksanaan hingga pemeliharaan. Pemeliharaan dalam jembatan perlu dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko-risiko yang dapat terjadi pada kerusakan jembatan. Saat ini belum ada penelitian dalam pemetaan risiko kerusakan komponen dalam jembatan rangka baja. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemetaan risiko dan proses mitigasi risiko tersebut. Tahap-tahap yang ada dalam proses manajemen risiko antara lain penentuan kriteria, risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, maintenance planning serta risk treatment. Penentuan kriteria dilakukan untuk panduan dalam proses manajemen risiko. Proses identifikasi risiko dilakukan melalui proses brainstorming, literature review serta interview dengan pihak terkait yang hasilnya divalidasi melalui tahapan triangulasi. Selanjutnya pada proses risk analysis, risiko dianalisis untuk mengetahui nilai dari occurrence, severity serta detectability dari setiap risiko. Pada tahap ini model fuzzy logic digunakan untuk membantu menentukan risk score. Pada tahap risk evaluation, risiko tersebut diprioritaskan untuk mengetahui risiko mana saja yang akan dirumuskan proses mitigasinya dalam tahapan risk treatment. Pada tahap risk treatment, skor risiko setelah dimitigasi akan dianalisis dalam bentuk risk residual. Proses pemetaan risiko pada kerusakan komponen jembatan telah dilakukan dan menghasilkan 53 risiko. Dari total 53 risiko terdapat 8 risiko tergolong very low risk, 10 risiko very low-low risk, 6 risiko low risk, 14 risiko low-medium risk, 6 risiko medium risk, 8 risiko medium-high risk, 1 risiko high risk. Risiko yang masuk dalam proses risk treatment antara lain baut mengalami peregangan, elastomer tidak berfungsi meredam getaran yang diterima jembatan, pilar mengalami penggerusan oleh arus sungai, terdapat bagian beton yang pecah, lantai aspal mengalami keretakan, lantai beton mengalami keretakan, top chord, diagonal serta wind bracing berkarat. Berdasarkan diagram pareto yang dihasilkan, tujuh dari sembilan risiko akan dirumuskan proses mitigasi untuk dapat menurunkan nilai dari occurrence, severity serta detectability. Skor risiko dari ketujuh risiko sudah berhasil diturunkan melalui proses mitigasi perencanaan pemeliharaan komponen jembatan.

Bridge is a vital component in land transportation activities because it connects between areas that separated by rivers or seas. Truss bridge is one type of building that becomes an important part of the transportation process. Utilization of truss bridge should be as effective and efficient as possible from the planning, fabrication and maintenance. Maintenance in bridge should be done to reduce the risks that may occur in bridge damage. Currently, there is no research in mapping the risk of component damage in truss bridges. In this research, risk mapping and risk mitigation process are conducted. Procedures in the risk management process consists of determine the risk criteria, risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, maintenance planning, and risk treatment. Risk criteria that will be used as guidance in the risk management process. In the process of risk identification, risk is gained through the process of brainstorming, literature review and interviews with several stakeholders and the results are then validated through the triangulation procedure. In the next step is risk analysis process, the risk is analysed to determine the occurrence, severity and detectability of each risks. Then in this step, fuzzy logic model was create to determine the risk score of each risk. In the risk evaluation process, the risk is prioritized to get the risks that will be planned the mitigation processes in the risk treatment procedure. In that procedure, risk scores after mitigation will be analysed in the form of risk residual. Based on the risk management processes that have been done, there are 53 risks in the failure of bridge components consisting of 8 risks as classified very low risk, 10 risks as classified very low-low risk, 6 risks as classified low risk, 14 risks as classified low-medium risk, 6 risks as classified medium risk, 8 risks as classified medium-high risk, 1 risk as classified high risk. Risk included in the process of risk treatment include bolts stretching, elastomers do not dampen the vibrations received by the bridge, the pillars are scoured by river currents, there are broken concrete parts, asphalt floor cracks, concrete floors cracked, rusted top chord, diagonal and wind bracing. Based on the pareto diagram, seven of the nine risks will be formulated by the mitigation process to reduce the value of occurrence, severity and detectability. The results of the seven risks were successfully lowered through mitigation process of bridge component maintenance.

Kata Kunci : fuzzy logic, risiko, manajemen risiko jembatan, pemeliharaan, mitigasi, risk register

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