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SUNARSIH, Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo ;Dr. Suhandano, M.A.

2018 | Disertasi | S3 Linguistik

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bagaimana ensiklopedi Britannica merepresentasikan pihak Israel dan Palestina dalam konteks konflik. Representasi tersebut dikaji melalui pola-pola representasi pelaku, tindakan, dan legitimasi dalam wacana profil Israel dan Palestina di ensiklopedi Britannica. Penelitian ini menerapkan analisis wacana kritis berbasis korpus yang merupakan kombinasi analisis wacana kritis model van Leeuwen dengan pendekatan linguistik korpus. Kata-kata kunci yang merepresentasikan pelaku, tindakan, dan legitimasi berdasarkan strategi representasi model van Leeuwen diseleksi dan diolah dengan program korpus AntConc untuk menemukan pola-pola representasi. Hasil pemrosesan data menampilkan daftar konkordansi dan kolokasi di sekitar kata kunci. Peneliti menganalisis, mengelompokkan, dan menginterpretasi pola-pola representasi yang terbentuk secara semantis tersebut. Kata-kata kunci seperti Israeli, Palestinian, Jewish, Arab, Muslim, refugee dan imigrant menunjukkan pola bahwa bangsa Yahudi identik sebagai warga negara Israel dan imigran yang kembali ke Israel. Warga Palestina identik dengan bangsa Arab dan pengungsi. Kata-kata kunci yang menunjukkan tindakan seperti attack, react, respond, retaliate, revenge, kill, violence, massacre, genocide, dan Holocaust membentuk representasi bahwa Israel dan Palestina sama-sama melakukan tindakan menyerang, membalas serangan, kekerasan, dan mengalami penderitaan sebagai korban tragedi kemanusiaan. Legitimasi tindakan dengan menggunakan kata-kata kunci seperti stated, said, expert, law, rule, policy, resolution, compulsory, obligatory, mandate, tradition, majority, most, biblical, like, dan similar merepresentasikan pihak-pihak yang berkuasa dan keabsahan suatu tindakan atau pendapat. Pola-pola representasi tersebut berpotensi membentuk konstruksi atau citra tertentu terhadap pihak yang direpresentasikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum ensiklopedi Britannica cenderung objektif dalam merepresentasikan pihak Israel dan Palestina. Sisi baik dan buruk masing-masing pihak ditampilkan. Pihak yang berkonflik mempertarungkan ideologi nasionalisme dengan legitimasi masing-masing. Pola-pola representasi yang ditemukan berdasarkan konkordansi dan kolokasi kata kunci berpotensi menjadi komponen makna kata kunci tersebut pada level wacana. Fitur pembeda pada komponen makna yang dimuat oleh kata kunci mungkin mengindikasikan atau merepresentasikan adanya bias karena menguntungkan sisi baik Israel.

This research aims to describe how Britannica encyclopedia represents Israel and Palestine in the context of conflict. The representation is assessed through the representation patterns of actors, actions, and legitimacy in Israel and the Palestine profile discourse in Britannica encyclopedia. This research applies a corpus-based critical discourse analysis which combines van Leeuwen's critical discourse analysis model and corpus linguistics approach. The key words representing actors, actions, and legitimacy are based on the representation strategies developed by van Leeuwen. The data are selected and processed by a corpus program, AntConc, to find out the patterns of representation. The results of the data processing display a list of concordance and collocation around key words. Researcher analyzes, classifies, and interprets the patterns of representation which are formed semantically. The key words such as Israeli, Palestinian, Jewish, Arab, Muslim, refugee and immigrant shows that Jewish is identical to citizen of Israel and the immigrants who returned to Israel. Palestinian is closely related with Arabs and refugees. The key words indicating actions such as attack, react, respond, Retaliate, revenge, kill, violence, massacre, genocide, and Holocaust form representation pattern that both the Israelis and Palestinians take action to attack, retaliate, do violence, and suffer as victims of human tragedy. Legitimacy of action using key words such as stated, said, expert, law, rule, policy, resolution, compulsory, obligatory, mandate, tradition, majority, most, biblical, like, and similar represent which parties are in power and legitimacy of actions or opinions. The patterns of representations potentially form a construction or a certain image of the parties represented. The results showed that Britannica encyclopedia, in general, tends to be quite objective in representing Israelis and the Palestinians. Good and bad sides of each parties are displayed. Both conflicting parties contest nationalism ideology with their own legitimacy. The patterns of representation which are based on key words' concordances and collocation possess the potential to be the components of meaning of the key words at discourse level. However, some distinctive features in the components of meanings in some key words may indicate or represent bias, especially those slightly advantagous for the good side of Israel.

Kata Kunci : analisis wacana kritis berbasis korpus, pola representasi, konkordansi, kolokasi

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