Laporkan Masalah


MUHARDI, Dr. Wahyudi, M.S.

2017 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Fisika

Telah dilakukan penelitian sebagai upaya mitigasi bencana pada area rawan longsor, dengan menganalisis bidang gelincir dan lapisan lapuk untuk mengidentifikasi tipe longsor. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Clapar, Kecamatan Madukara, Kabupaten Banjarnegara pada tanggal 7-14 Februari 2017 di dua lokasi. Lokasi pertama berada pada lereng perbukitan di sebelah barat pemukiman dan lokasi kedua berada di sebelah timur pemukiman. Penelitian menggunakan metode geolistrik resistivitas dengan konfigurasi dipole-dipole dan konfigurasi schlumberger. Pada lokasi pertama dilakukan penelitian dengan konfigurasi dipole-dipole sebanyak dua lintasan dan konfigurasi schlumberger sebanyak dua titik pengukuran. Sedangkan, pada lokasi kedua dilakukan penelitian dengan konfigurasi dipole-dipole sebanyak tiga lintasan dan konfigurasi schlumberger sebanyak tiga titik pengukuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lokasi pertama mempunyai model bidang gelincir yang berbentuk lurus dengan sudut kemiringan 15 - 40 derajat, dan ketebalan lapisan lapuk sebesar 4,5 - 15,0 meter. Sedangkan pada lokasi kedua mempunyai model bidang gelincir berbentuk lurus dengan sudut kemiringan 5 - 20 derajat, dan ketebalan lapisan lapuk sebesar 1,5 - 7,0 meter. Hasil interpretasi menunjukkan bahwa bidang gelincir berupa lempung dan lapisan lapuk berupa tanah sampai pasir lempungan. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi tipe longsor pada daerah penelitian yaitu longsoran translasi, rayapan dan aliran tanah.

A research had been conducted as a disaster mitigation effort in landslide prone area, by analyzing slip surface and weathered layer to identify the landslide type. The research was conducted in Clapar Village, Madukara District, Banjarnegara Regency from 7th to 14th February 2017 in two areas. The first area was located in the slope of the hill, in the west side of the residential areas and the second one was located in the east side. The research using geoelectrical resistivity method by dipole-dipole and schlumberger arrays. Research in the first area was conducted by two lines of dipole-dipole array and two points of schlumberger array. While research in the second area was conducted by three lines of dipole-dipole array and three points of schlumberger array. The research result showed that the slip surface had a flat model with a slope angle about 15-40 degree, and the weathered layer thickness was 4.5-15.0 meters. While in the second area, the slip surface had a flat model with a slope angle about 5-20 degree, and the weathered layer thickness was 1.5-7.0 meters. The interpretation result showed that the slip surface was clay and the weathered layer was soil and sandy clay. The research result identify the landslide types in the research area were translational slides, soil creeps and earthflows.

Kata Kunci : longsor, bidang gelincir, lapisan lapuk, resistivitas

  1. S2-2017-388392-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2017-388392-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2017-388392-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2017-388392-title.pdf